Trans-Mediterranean Archive Dialogue

حوار الأرشيف عبر البحر الأبيض المتوسط
2022 - 2023
Supported by "All Around Culture"

We are delighted to announce a year-long collaborative project which began November 2022 in the context of “Thoulathy,” an initiative for cross-border collaborations between cultural organizations from selected “North” and “South” countries.

The project, “Mirrors,” aims to exchange expertise on archival practice and share content between UMAM D&R and two other entities situated in coastal regions of the Mediterranean sea; the Archipelago Network (Syros, Greece), and the Cimatheque-Alternative Film Centre (Cairo, Egypt). The collaboration is implemented by Culture Resource & MitOst and co-funded by the European Union.

Details on the project will be announced over the course of 2023.