Snapshots of Lebanon's Military Court
A Documentary
قصص قصيرة من سيرة المحكمة العسكرية في لبنان
© 2016 UMAM D&R
Arabic with English subtitles

As UMAM D&R conducted research on the Military Court (MC), it held a number of interviews and felt these valuable conversations should be shared in their original format. Thus, UMAM D&R created a documentary about the court titled, "Until Further Notice." Drawing upon hours of interviews, the film features a diverse group of individuals with first-hand experience dealing with the court. These lawyers, journalists, government employees, and others offer unique perspectives about specific cases and aspects of the court while helping to delineate its use and role in Lebanese justice over the years. 

In addition to interviews, the documentary features old news footage from significant periods in the history of the MC and the way the Lebanese government has used the court in conjunction with the state security apparatus. The film also offers insight into the evolving legal mandate of the court, something that is the subject of much debate.

This documentary was part of the Martial Justice for All? initiative and was made possible thanks to funding from the European Union.