Modern Heritage Observatory
2012 - 2022

The Modern Heritage Observatory (MoHO) advocates for the preservation of modern cultural heritage in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Founding members in 2011 were the Arab Image Foundation (AIF), the Association for Arabic Music (IRAB), the Arab Center for Architecture (ACA) and the Cinémathèque de Tanger. UMAM D&R joined the initiative in 2012. 

MoHO members are seeking to raise awareness of the need to support and improve the preservation of modern cultural heritage among political and institutional sectors and the general public. The project partners have come together to mobilize for joint action to impact policies and legal frameworks, and to generate political commitment towards modern cultural heritage. Through the creation of a network of professional bodies from the MENA region, the project seeks an exchange of experience, the pooling of expertise, and the elaboration of strategies for joint advocacy actions.

In recent years, MoHO members have held regular meetings, organized conferenes, and participated in the celebration of International Archives Day (June 9 each year).