Art And Archives
Beirut-Cologne Residency Program
الفنّ والأرْشـــــــــيف

برنامج الإقامة الفنيَّة [بيروت ـ كولونيا]
2012 - 2016

"Art and Archives" Cologne-Beirut offered three-month residencies in Cologne, Germany and Beirut, Lebanon. Along with their partners, the cities of Cologne and Beirut put out an annual invitation for artists of all disciplines to apply for a residency program in the arts. The program was open to visual artists, writers, musicians, curators, filmmakers, art researchers, and other related practitioners of the arts.

The "Art and Archives. Cologne-Beirut" residency program was made possible by a unique cooperation of the following institutions: Culture Commissions of the Municipality of Beirut and the Municipality of Cologne, UMAM Documentation and Research, RheinEnergie Stiftung, Federal Association of Visual Artists - Cologne Branch, and Center for Nazi-Documentation of the City of Cologne. The program was implemented under the patronage of the German Embassy in Beirut. "Art and Archives. Cologne-Beirut" was designed and curated by Stanislaw (Stan) Strasburger.

The artists who were selected by juries in Beirut and Cologne to be part of the program were Reem Akl (2012), Rainer Merkel (2012), Doris Frohnapfel (2013), Siska (2013), Therese Schuleit (2014), and Alia Hamdan (2014).