Event by The International Council on Archives (ICA), swisspeace, and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
Side Event of the Human Rights Council
Ensuring the Preservation of and Access to the Records of Temporary International Criminal Courts and Investigative Mechanisms
September 12, 2024 @ Palais des Nations | Geneva

We are pleased to inform you about the upcoming event, titled "Ensuring the Preservation of and Access to the Records of Temporary International Criminal Courts and Investigative Mechanisms." This event is organized as a side event of the Human Rights Council and co-hosted by The International Council on Archives (ICA), swisspeace, and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.

Date and Time: The panel will take place on 12 September 2024, from 13:00 to 14:00 CET at the Palais des Nations in Geneva. The event will be hybrid, with in-person attendance in Room XXIV of the Palais des Nations for those in Geneva, and online participation for those unable to attend in person. 

Topic and Objectives: The event will address the crucial issue of preserving and ensuring access to the archives created by temporary international criminal tribunals and investigative mechanisms. It will explore the challenges surrounding long-term solutions for these archives and offer recommendations through expert insights.

Panelists: The panel will be moderated by Josée Kirps, President of the International Council on Archives (ICA), and will feature the following speakers:

  • Stephen Haufek, Chief of the Archives Unit at the UN (online)
  • David Crane, Former Prosecutor at the Special Court for Sierra Leone (online)
  • Trudy Peterson, Former Acting Archivist of the United States and current member of the ICA's Section on Archives and Human Rights (ICA/SAHR)
  • Monika Borgmann-Slim, Co-founder of UMAM Documentation and Research, Lebanon
  • Lisa Ott, Head of the Dealing with the Past (DwP) Program, swisspeace

Livestream Details:

The ICA will be livestreaming the event on its YouTube channel to ensure wider access to this critical discussion. 

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